Gearing up for Global Handwashing Day!

A child washes her hands during educational activities held for the Global Handwashing day at a refugee camp in Port au Prince. Millions of children around the world are getting ready for the third annual Global Handwashing day, to be held globally on October 15 2010.

Since 2008, Global Handwashing Day is celebrated annually on October 15 and has continued to attract over 200 million people in over 100 countries around the world who praise the significance of handwashing.

“It is a global advocacy day dedicated to increasing the awareness and understanding about the importance of handwashing with soap as an effective and affordable way to prevent diseases and save lives,” according to the Global Public-Private Partnership for Handwashing, the founders of Global Handwashing Day.

This is a day for community and national leaders to raise awareness and demonstrate the simplicity and value of clean hands.

This year’s theme,  “Raise a hand for hygiene, ” is an action-oriented theme. Raising your hand can bring to light the need for change and the recognition that everyone can be an advocate for strong hygiene practices. Similarly, hands can also be counted, and we want the government and everyone else on board to concentrate their efforts on areas of the world that need it most.

Pure Water for the World, just as they did last year, is working hard on creating different activities to get schools involved in this very important day. Practicing proper hygiene and sanitation practices is something we feel extremely passionate about, especially when it comes to saving children’s lives.

Every child deserves to live a healthy life and we would like to help make this possible.