For Anatolia, contaminated water is a thing of the past. And she intends to keep it that way.

As told by Mario Goeb This World Water Week, Pure Water shares with you a story similar to those we hear from our field teams throughout the year. For many of our partner community members, biosand filters have become a staple of daily life. It’s been three years since Anatolia Nolaco, a 63 year-old Trojes Continue reading

The Story of Digna

Originally told by Rasa Kent, a former PWW volunteer in Honduras After installing 70 filters, we were exhausted by the end of the 4th day.  We had only the uphill homes remaining and we were ready to call it quits when we met Digna. Rob, Jeff and I had just hiked up to scope out the difficulty of the trail.  At the Continue reading

“The Hospital Sure Misses Us.”

This is part three in a series looking at the economics of clean water. So far, we have discussed the benefits of point of use water filters when there is an alternative market for clean water and when there is no alternative market for clean water. In both cases, based on my experiences, the economics Continue reading