Now more than ever…

We hope this message finds you and your loved ones in good health and navigating safely through this unprecedented time in our collective history.

With pandemic challenges facing people across the globe, we’re thrilled to let you know that PWW team members have been designated as “essential” in communities where we work.

This year, even during this particularly difficult time, our essential work continues. PWW teams are continuing to provide critical safe water, sanitation and hygiene solutions to communities in need (including the family of 8-year old Génesis, pictured, who recently received their new filter).

Now, more than ever, these communities need us.
And we need you.

The World Bank recently reported that “safely managed water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) are an essential part of preventing and protecting human health during infectious disease outbreaks, including COVID-19.”  

In fact, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) are the most fundamental protective factors to successfully combat a wide-range of diseases, which disproportionately impact impoverished families. These most basic tools and practices also help communities build greater resilience and strengthen economies, opening new doors into the future. This is the work PWW has been successfully doing for more than 20 years!

One thing we have found to be true, even in the midst of a global pandemic, the generosity of the human spirit prevails.

Can we count on your support this year? We have a goal to raise $100,000 to keep our teams going strong. Will you make a donation, of any amount that inspires you, and help more families during this particularly difficult time? Donations are being matched through Global Handwashing Day, October 15th, up to $10,000!

Following are examples of what your generosity can do:

  • Just $25 provides lasting clean water for a child;
  • $50 provides clean water + critical hygiene education, including handwashing and menstrual hygiene education;
  • $300 funds lasting clean water and essential hygiene education for a family;
  • $550 funds a comprehensive safe WASH solution for an entire family, which includes: clean water; safe sanitation; essential hygiene education (including environmental, home, personal, and menstrual hygiene); and long-term monitoring.

Giving is easy, with several options to meet your preference: 

  • Donate by mail by sending a check to:
    Pure Water for the World, Inc. | P.O. Box 55 | Rutland, Vermont 05702
  • Donate by credit card via phone by calling: 802.747.0778
  • Securely donate online by clicking here, where you can offer a one-time gift or sign up to give monthly.
  • Give from your Donor Advised Fund and/or consider other planned gifts (learn more here).

Important to note: the CARES Act expands the charitable contribution deductions this year.

These past several months have made it vividly clear that we are all connected, and, by coming together, we are able to accomplish so much more. Thank you so much for being a vital part of our impactful community!

P.S. Stay healthy. Remain hopeful. Be inspired. Donate online now.
If everyone who reads this shares a gift, together, we’ll help over 250 families gain access to the basic tools and education to protect their health…today and into the future.