Holly D Water Colours: September Fundraiser

Blog written by Holly Dickson. Shared with permission.

I read recently about a lady whose cat alerted her to a fire in the next room, a fire she hadn’t noticed because she was content elsewhere – happily immersed in a good book. Musing about this, she said: “We cannot insulate ourselves from others, hiding behind the illusory barriers of our differences. Too many people’s lives are on fire. If we happen to have been born in the next room, we can’t rest in comfort while our sisters and brothers are burning.”

This idea grabbed me – the idea of a world full of people, all born in different rooms. My room is safe. It’s clean, and it’s comfortable. What’s yours like?

My daughter got me interested in Pure Water for the World a few years ago, and as I read the updates and look at the IG posts of this organization, I’m touched by the work being done.

There’s clean water in MY room, but not in everyone’s.

Would you help me raise some money so that, together, we can bring clean water to a room where there isn’t any?

I’m working on a series of paintings that will go up for sale on my Etsy site this September 10-30th. All proceeds will be donated to PWW, so that the artist (me) and the buyer (you) can come together to help a few more people gain access to clean water.

Buy an original painting for yourself or a friend. Send the link to someone who likes art or who enjoys a good fundraiser. You will make me a very happy person if, together, we can help a few families.

Follow me on Instagram @hollydwatercoloursetsy.